The excerpt below is from a book titled From Such Turn Away: Warnings against Lesbianism, A Guide for Teen Girls and Young Adult Women (2012) by Dr. Trela N. Anderson.
Description: Although today’s girls and young women are bombarded with media images of romantic love, beauty, and all-around perfection, many of them are products of dysfunctional families characterized by rejection, neglect, constant criticism, and even hyper-religiousness. The subsequent disconnect between what society glorifies and actual reality often creates psychological and emotional gaps that Satan seeks to fill through deceptive desires and relationships. This book addresses the subject of lesbianism from a biblical perspective and alerts girls and young women to the crafty means by which Satan attempts to lure them into such a lifestyle. It encourages them to turn away from such relationships and turn instead to Christ, the healer of their souls.
From Chapter 4: The Mind
In high school, the boys would half-jokingly say that in pursuing a girl, they had to first “get her mind” because “where the mind goes, the body will follow.” This statement is true, but it is also a derivative of the Leviathan spirit, which uses forms of witchcraft (control and cunning) to get what it wants from others. That is why it is important to cover your mind daily with the blood of Jesus and to cast down every thought that is contrary to the word of God. The truth is no one, absolutely no one, except the Holy Spirit should have access to your mind. The Bible instructs us to “love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength” (Mark 12:30). The Bible does not speak of loving anyone else so completely, intensely, and uncontrollably.
John 8:44 says that Satan is the father of lies. It is impossible for him to tell the truth, and throughout the course of a day, he might send a number of disturbing thoughts to your mind, ranging from “you are ugly” and “you are stupid” to “you are gonna have an accident and die.” If you are a victim of child molestation or are spending time with a girl or woman who operates in a lesbian/Jezebel spirit, Satan may begin to attack your mind with homosexual thoughts and might even try and convince you that you are gay. Do not claim these thoughts as your own. They do not belong to you. They belong to Satan, and you must send them right back to the pit of hell from whence they came. Satan wants you to believe such lies about yourself so that he can plague you with doubt, insecurity, and shame. Once these types of demonic thoughts set in, you might just fall for anything. The Bible says, “For as he [a man or woman] thinketh in his heart so is he” (Proverbs 23:7). You are not gay. You are just keeping the wrong company and need to be emotionally healed by Jesus. Williams * writes, “I realize that when the tempter targets a soul for the gay lifestyle, he will strategically place people in proximity to that person to wear his resistance down, eventually hoping to wear him out (see Dan. 7:25).” Here is the bottom line when it comes to homosexuality: either you are down, or you are not. Either you do, or you do not. Either you will, or you will not. You cannot compromise with this spirit, ladies. Say what you mean and mean what you say because girls and women who operate in this spirit can be quite aggressive and persistent. When my friend failed in her efforts to control me and sensed that I was withdrawing from her, she tried everything from pretending to be ill and saying “I love you” to giving me birthday gifts (money and shoes) and pretending to be “delivered.” Proverbs 5:6 says, “The ways of a strange woman are moveable, that thou canst know them.” The nature of this spirit is deceitful and ever-changing. It might present itself as a good listener, mother figure, cheerful giver, helper, chauffer, or helpless victim. A woman who operates in this spirit will become whatever or whoever in an effort to maintain her connection with the girl or woman she is pursuing or to hide her true identity. If possible, avoid even her physical presence because this spirit loves to establish intense eye contact with the woman it pursues, and it tries to pull on her spiritually and emotionally. You can actually feel the inner pull when you are around these women! Again, your best reaction is to do as the Bible says in 2 Timothy 3 — “From such turn away.”
Many women initially embrace the lesbian lifestyle out of curiosity. My friend said she initially viewed her sexual relationships with women as something “recreational,” something she “did on the side.” These women do not know the aggressively evil nature of this spirit. The Holy Spirit informed me that many girls and women sleep with other girls and women only occasionally (when they are intoxicated or on vacation) and do not consider themselves to be lesbians. Yet, they are in denial and being deceived by Satan. I Timothy 2:26 says, “Satan takes them [people who do not know Jesus Christ as their Savior] captive at his will.” Eventually, many of these women come out of the closet themselves or are “outted” by someone else, causing family and friends to ostracize them. Many of them become depressed, even suicidal. Other women go on living double lives, serving as middle-aged wives and mothers in one capacity and secret predators of girls and women in another. And many of these women attend church every Sunday! Jeremiah 5:26 says, “For among my people are found wicked men: they lay wait as he that setteth snares: they set a trap, they catch men.” Many people would be surprised to know that the spirit of homosexuality is often a religious spirit. Churches are filled with people who operate in this spirit.
*Brian Keith Williams is author of the book Ministering Graciously to the Gay and Lesbian Community.
NOTE: To purchase a copy of the book From Such Turn Away: Warnings against Lesbianism, A Guide for Teen Girls and Young Adult Women or to schedule a virtual reading and book talk for the teen girls and young adult women at your church or youth conference, please contact me at
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