Without the authority and power of Almighty God, the sun could find a reason to hide all day. After all, there are plenty of clouds to block its rays. But, somehow, it seems to know that without its shine, there would be nothing, but devastation. Without its bold and brassy brilliance, there would be no food, no life, and no joy.
It’s 2020 and perspective is everything. So many needs and voids to fill. If only humanity could experience in full measure, your gifts, power and authority from this day forward? After all, just as he positioned the sun with design and purpose, you too have a high and majestic calling.
My question is: What do you see from where you sit or stand? What is your point of view? Even more importantly, I must ask–What do you see on the horizon? Is it a virus or victory? Do you see the riots in the streets–or do you see redemption and revival ahead? Of course, the devastation and pain that is clearly before us cannot be ignored; but, did you know that it is possible to see beyond the natural and into the spirit?
True clarity of thought and a healthy perspective comes from God alone. When kingdom thought processes are maintained, our lifestyles and outcomes are different. When we accept Jesus as Lord, transformation happens. We learn to discipline our thoughts and behavior to line up with God’s word. What we physically see becomes a watchful warning for a prayerful focus.
Jesus Christ came to earth as an example for us. His life was a pattern for us to live by. It is not yet Christmas—but, every day we can open new dimensions of the gift made available on the day of Pentecost. Because of him, our perspective, outlook and future can be transformed. As believers, we are now seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. This means our position and vantage point has been elevated. Like the sun, we are not looking up, but, brilliantly shining down. If we embrace this position, rather than taking our cues from things on this earth, our perspective is from our heavenly view. We are now seated in heavenly places with Christ Jesus–—a position of authority. Acts 2 introduces us to this new way of living.
The Day of Pentecost changed everything for those who believed in Jesus, the Messiah. This is the day that God sent His Holy Spirit to earth as “the Comforter,” launching the New Testament church. This gift from the Father, imparted God’s divine nature—the ability to be forgiven, healed and renewed. What appeared to look like fire, gave witness to the impartation of God’s supernatural ability, being bestowed upon mankind. The coming of this enablement was spoken of in the Old Testament, imparted in the New Testament and is still available today to all who believe.
The tongues of fire was a physical manifestation of the gift—a phenomenon never experienced before. The believers present received the physical manifestation (demonstration) of God’s gift and spoke in tongues—a language they had not learned. This gift from God is spoken of in Colossians 1:27 as, “Christ in us, the hope of glory.” This means that today, we are God’s ambassadors and representatives in the earth. God is counting on us as His stewards to teach and minister; healing the broken hearted and opening blind eyes—both physically and spiritually, just as Jesus did.
Because of the unprecedented times we live in—I am saddened to see so many discouraged “Christians” with complaints rather than solutions. As an alternative, God wants to impart a brand new perspective. Why not be a supernatural firebrand for Him? If we are true disciples of Christ, We are the social change our friends and associates are looking for. It truly is–God’s way or the highway!
Unleashing the Fire
To unleash means to be free from a leash or from being held back. Ask yourself, what is holding me back from being all God called me to be? Has the spirit of God been lying dormant within?
The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy—to make you feel like a victim rather than a victor. When we look at Romans 12:6-8, we find the many ways we have been gifted, empowered and liberated to live freely and victoriously in Christ:
- If one is gifted in prophesying; use it to prophesy according to the proportion of faith.
- If gifted in serving, encouraging or teaching, do this.
- If it is contributing to the needs of others; do so generously.
- If your gift is leadership, govern diligently; or if showing mercy, do it cheerfully.
Romans 12:9-19 lists actions we can take to release his love and power:
- Love must be sincere—hate what is evil; cling to what is good
- Be devoted to and honor one another above yourselves.
- Never be lacking in zeal; but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.
- Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer.
- Share with God’s people who are in need; practice hospitality.
- Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.
- Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.
- Live in harmony with one another—do not be proud and conceited; willing to associate with people of low position.
- Do not take revenge; but, leave room for God’s wrath—“I will repay, says the Lord.”
- If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
Are you free from the opinions of others–waiting expectantly as the believers were on the day of Pentecost for God to move in our society and culture? It all begins when you release the fire!
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