A Prescription for The Good Life:
I am convinced that we all want to “be at peace with God” and for Him to hear our petitions so that what we decide on will be done for us. Indeed, this is “the good life” — the full and satisfying life we all desire.
However, when we listen to the news coming from our family, friends and the media, we understand that our current state of affairs does not mirror what God desires for our lives. Kingdom women know and understand that because men and women rebel and have gone their own way, we find wickedness, murder and destruction almost everywhere. Unfortunately, the social conditions described by Job in the next verse have become our everyday reality—only with different names and street addresses.
Job 24:9-24:
“The fatherless child is snatched from the breast…The groans of the dying rise from the city, and the souls of the wounded cry out for help… He (God) may let them (the wicked) rest in a feeling of security, but His eyes are on their ways. Finally, they (the wicked) are cut off like heads of grain.”
So, with eyes wide open, God is never asleep! He sees and moves with strategic timing. His grace and judgment befall the just and unjust. We felt the move of His power and spirit in our time and space at “The Gathering ’22.” Our theme was, Born to Lead for Such a Time as This. Since departing from Summerville, I have become acutely aware of the timeliness of each message, song, and video and the urgency for me to personally embrace all that was imparted by the Holy Spirit—so that I could run the race set before me with grace. My family and I have literally had to deal with life and death situations–face demonic activity like a champ; giving the devil a dose of God’s medicine.
Space and time will not allow me to share the long list of adversarial blows I have experienced since leaving The Gathering conference, but to God be the glory for the victories won! I have indeed grown and matured about 3 inches in the spirit. What the devil meant for evil, God has turned it all around for my good!! If I could speak with you personally, I bet you too can identify with what I’m speaking about.
The truth remains, that The Gathering ’22 was not simply a girlie time for hugs and cute outfits; but, preparation for combat. God was indeed prepping us for the future. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday via testimonies, prayer, healings and deliverance, God moved. His empowering word was delivered via video presentations as well as songs of worship and praise to equip and strengthen us for the days ahead.
Like Deborah and Esther, scripture reminds us in many passages that God has chosen us as lights in a dark world—warning us that perilous times would come. Ladies, they are here! Not that we are desirous of evil days, but, those of us who are truly “awake” understand that God’s word is true. For this reason, we are not to be surprised by the current state of affairs—we have anticipated their coming and are prepared.
For those who were unable to attend, The Gathering ’22, the theme scripture was Romans 13:11&12: “…understanding the present time, the hour has come for you to wake from your slumber…the night is nearly over…so put aside deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.”
Could it be possible that behind the scenes, our God is at work strategically using Covid times of isolation, inflation, high gas and travel cost, lawlessness, and other darkness to awaken us from our slumber? Is He calling us to pray and armor up for war? Is this a test to see if we will get weary in well-doing?
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