Our Blog Chat Room should be buzzing with conversation right now. Several weeks ago, our first GNN blog featured Dr. Trela Anderson who shared an excerpt from her book, From Such Turn Away—Warnings against Lesbianism. Her book was written several years ago but is as relevant today as it was the day it was written. She states, “The purpose of this book is to alert girls and women to what I refer to as signs or red flags that a woman or girl has entered their lives in an attempt to lure them into lesbianism.”
Trela uses the term “lure,” which caught my attention. The subtlety of being distracted and entangled in an unintended “situation” is a very real. After all, we know that the thief (our spiritual enemy) comes to steal, kill, and destroy. To lure means to draw in for pleasure or for personal gain. As women of faith, we must be aware of the distracting influences that surround us, our families, and children to draw us away from the faith. To influence means to “be fluid,” to “flow into” or to exert a force so as to pull or draw in.
Although there are always those who oppose the validity of scripture, women of the word must be equipped and prepared to deal with challenges and adverse opinions. Because the homosexual lifestyle has reached epidemic proportions, touching almost every family and community, I am inspired to follow up on Trela’s blog with a supporting message.
No matter our lifestyle, God loves us. Even with all of our weaknesses, faults, and sin. Many times, God’s women understand God’s grace and forgiveness, but, are ill equipped and do not understand how to apply the discipline required to live a life of purity.
In my new book, The Get Noticed Woman: Kingdom Keys to Influence & Excellence, I share with detail the qualities of “the get noticed woman,” who shines brilliantly in an unfriendly and dark world. She does not compromise but confidently represents the kingdom, in her life-style and behavior. She loves God’s children, yet is not afraid to teach, train, and offer guidance to those who desire to live Christ-like.
In the chapter, “Identity Crisis,” I share that too often kingdom women are ill-prepared for the enticing and seductive behaviors that draw them into relationships and situations in pursuit of “love” and fulfillment. Yet, all that awaits is emptiness. For this reason, it is essential that we know who we are, whose we are, and why God placed us in the earth.
Is it possible to accept the idea that from the beginning, God created the woman, Eve as a companion to Adam so that he would not be alone? She is not an island to herself, but has a need—as does he for companionship. God created only two genders to build and establish humanity. How arrogant of us, as finite humans, to determine there should be more. The name “Eve” means, “life-spring.” From this union—continuing from generation to generation, God’s name would flourish and be great even to this present time. His desire would be fulfilled in her and hers with him. That is why a woman’s anatomy is complimentary to the man’s. The two, in unity, fulfill the other. Contrary to God’s perfect plan is a scheme designed by God’s arch-enemy to influence and draw us away. Colossians 2:8 warns us:
“See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to the principles of Christ.”
So what’s the problem with men sleeping with men and women with women? Romans 1:22-32 describes homosexual behavior, reveals how it comes about and the resulting consequences. Romans states that that because of blindness (of heart), they refuse to retain God in their knowledge. For this reason, God gave them over to dishonor their own bodies between themselves–men with men and women with women. Verse 26 states that women changed the natural use of the woman into that which is against nature. God calls this behavior, “unrighteousness” and that judgement would ensue.
Because our culture has departed from God’s ways, we have alternative lifestyles: a potpourri of sexual labels–all philosophically defined. Hollywood, social media, and other influential members of society have embraced homosexual lifestyles with widespread approval. All the while, biblical lifestyles are categorized as archaic and outdated. It is important to understand, however, that God has not and will not change. The scriptures are as relevant today as they were when they were written.
The question becomes, how will we choose to order our lives? As lights in the world, we are privileged to bring a powerful influence into the earth. For this reason, we must actively guard our hearts (thoughts)—for out of our hearts flow the issues of life. So, when you are enticed or feel affections arise that are according to scripture, “unnatural,” how do you protect “your flow” when feelings arise that defy biblical standards?
First, be one who is willing to study and saturate your heart with the word of God. In addition, commit to daily prayer and worship. Secondly, regularly fellowship with like-minded believers. Thirdly, who are the people who influence you the most? Be discerning. Noticed the movies, entertainment and people they are attracted to. Are they committed to a life-style that honors God?
Remember that what we see, hear and the persons with whom we associate will impact our thoughts, attitudes and behavior. At times, the actions we take may seem to leave us standing alone, but not really. If God is for you, He is more than the whole world against you. Be strong, my sister. Protect your flow.
I invite you to listen to this powerful and artistic spoken word presentation by Jackie Hill-Perry and her husband Preston, as they get honest and raw about the pain and pleasures of sexual infidelity.
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