When someone addresses you as “beloved” it gets your attention, right? Who might that be who calls you beloved; a parent perhaps or maybe a spouse or a boyfriend? It’s a very endearing word, isn’t it, and one that can evoke an immediate emotional response. You lean in. You listen. You feel loved and cared for. You trust. You are someone’s BELOVED and they have something important to say to you; something that is for your benefit and welfare.
I have good news for you! Our Lord God Almighty calls you His beloved! And He most definitely has something to say to you; something that He actually wishes above ALL things!! “Beloved I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers”! III John 2
Let that settle in. What does the One who loves you long for you to have? What does it mean to prosper? In this context, the origin of the word prosper means “to be led in the good way”. Being in health is more obviously understood, but what does it mean for your soul to prosper? And why is that so important to our God?
Your soul is what “makes you YOU”. It’s your unique breath life. When you were born into this world, you took in your first breath and you became a living soul. God desires for the “you” that He made to prosper, to be led in the good way. And He has wired within your very DNA that part of Him in you that He wants to show the world. It’s your God-given destiny, your vision; knowing within the core of your being why you are here. That’s prospering in your soul!
The word soul appears in another key verse for your life from the Father’s heart: “And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly, and I pray your whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless until the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.” I Thessalonians 5:23. Clearly, all parts of us – body, soul, and spirit – are meant to prosper; to be led in the good way by our loving Heavenly Father. He carefully formed your body. He made your soul. And He created your spirit.
So let’s tie this all together. God Almighty, our loving Heavenly Father calls you His beloved and wishes above all things that you may be led in the good way and be preserved blameless – body, soul, and spirit – until the coming of the Lord!
When I caught this great truth deep within me 27 years ago everything changed – body, soul and spirit – and it has stuck with me ever since. It took personal adversity to get me there. At the age of 43, I was NOT whole. My physical health was failing. My soul was hurting. I lacked vision and direction. When your soul is hurting, the physical can hurt too and vice versa; they go hand in hand; one affects the other profoundly.
It was the Holy Spirit within me that led me in the good way and continues to lead me to where I am now. He showed me where to get help for my body and then He healed my soul and gave me the vision to help others. Priceless.
So now I am living my life’s mission. I have made it my passion to help literally thousands of people live the truths of III John 2 and I Thessalonians 5:23 in their own lives.
I purposefully named my company Optimal Wellness because that is my goal:
• To teach and coach physical wellness
• To help others create and live their God-given vision He placed within their soul so that they are wholly living the life God intended for them to live.
It is my sincere blessing to share this with you, my dear sister-friends in the Get Net Noticed Academy network. Truly God has connected us all for such a time as this as we walk hand in hand, fulfilling our Father’s wish.
In Him,
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